Error Accessed None 'CharacterMovement' from node Event Blueprint Update Animation in blueprint FirstPerson_AnimBlueprint

If have been happily working away on my little game, and then all of a sudden the player can’t move anymore! I I am fairly certain that I did not restart the editor, nor was a I messing with any of the movement settings. Things just stopped working. Upon exiting the testing of the game, I get an error that says **Error Accessed None ‘CharacterMovement’ from node Event Blueprint Update Animation in blueprint FirstPerson_AnimBlueprint.
I am not entirely sure what this means as I haven’t done much with the animations yet. I think that it may indicate the problem is up stream.

Here is the error that appears in the editor window.

Hey Cheesecurd,

Accessed None means that a null value is being read from one or more nodes. It appears that it’s somewhere in your AnimBP off of the Event Node for Update Animation. Can I get a screenshot of your event graph in the AnimBP?

Can you also go ahead and place an ?IsValid node between the character movement reference and the node you’re plugging it into? Throw a print string off of the IsNotValid pin


Here yah go. It’s weird because I never touch anything to do with the animation blueprint or the character movement. If I create a new pawn, then everything works just fine.

Here yah go! It’s weird because I never touched anything to do with the character movement or the animation blueprints. Also, the print statements reports Not Valid while playing.

I think what’s happening here is that it’s still running the “Preview” AnimBP during PIE and that’s what’s throwing out the errors. If you look in the dropdown for the debug filter during PIE, what do you see? The Preview instance will go to “Is Not Valid” because there is no Character BP to reference for character movement. It is returning a null value, basically.

Disconnect everything from the “Is Not Valid” pin and let me know what happens then.


Marking this as answered due to inactivity. Respond to re-open
