How to destroy Blueprint Floor? * please read this*

@anonymous_user_776011b61 & others

I’m trying endless runner. I’m spawning 4 floor tiles in Level Blueprint. Every floor contains “Box Collision” at end point. When user overlap it, it create new floor and destroy current one after 2 secs delay.

@anonymous_user_776011b61 helped me. I was casting my BP_FloorTile in Level Blueprint. But Casting failed. He said Blueprint doesn’t exist and I have to spawn one floor manually in the Level. So I did that.

Problem: When player starts from Manual Generated floor tile and overlap Box Collision of first Auto-Spawn tile, I get Infinite Loop error in Construction Script. If I move “Player Start” location to Automatic Spawn Floor Tiles then everything is fine.

I don’t want to leave any Floor Tile (Manual generated tile here) in empty space. How can I solve this problem?

Update: Infinite loop error occuring, maybe, because Manually generated tile also contains an “Attach Point” which tells where next tile will come. And as soon Character overlap “Manually Generated Tile” it creates one more tile overlapping first tile of “Level Generated Tiles”.

First Case: Character passed the Manual Tile. One Additional tile generated over “Level Generated Tile”.

2nd Case: Character passed the both overlapping tiles. And so generated two additional tile.

And so on, at one point there will be infinite tiles. How to resolve this?

Update 2: I can create a BOOL which can check whether it is first tile. If is it first tile then just destroy it, don’t call Add Floor Tile Function. And set the BOOL. But I think whenever Overlap event occurs, BOOL value sets to default. I don’t know how to make it kinda STATIC BOOL.


Working really late tonight, I am free on Sunday to spend some Team View with yu to sort this out, if someone is not able to fix it sooner.

Sorry for other night, did not finish call until 2:00am and tried Team Viewer, but I could not connect.

I couldn’t left open Team Viewer because someone else could access my PC. That’s why I asked your FB. But my Friend Request is still pending.

I’m just stuck inside an infinite loop, I’m trying to break it with BOOL. But no success.

Anyway, I hope on Sunday you can help me. Tomorrow I’m going for PainBall and Go Karting. :wink:

(GTA V Profile/Cover Pic) Plz accept the request.

Here is my Overlap Event (If somebody else would like to help me)

This might be another solution. But here I want Destroy tile. Atleast I wanna know the problem. What wrong is in my method?

you said you are getting an infinite loop in the construction script, but you posted a screenshot of your event graph. without seeing the construction script, i have no idea what is looping, but whatever it is, you should probably just delete everything in the construction script, because construction scripts are for adjusting things as they are being placed in editor, and your is procedurally generated at runtime, so your construction script should probably be empty.

Hi, I am not good in explanation. But @ helped me via Remote Login.
And that this particular problem is solved, at least for now. :slight_smile:

Problem was, I placed a tile in space. And was calling 4 tiles in loop via Level Blueprint. Each tile contains and End Trigger which calls one more tile.
Since I placed one tile manually and just after that Level BP tiles.

When I pass manual tile, it generate one more tile. And then there were 2 tiles overlapping each other. When I pass those tiles they generate 2 for tiles. Now there were 3.

I had to place one tile manually because Level BP doesn’t that BP_Floor exist.

But I removed everything from Level BP and placed all content in Game Mode.
And problem solved.

And I am leaving this thread without marking answer because here is no answer. helped me via Remote Login.

But thank you. :slight_smile:

Take a look at my infinite runner template