AI Bot detect only certain pawns

Hi everyone , i’m having issues with AI:
I downloaded this AI project: [UPDATED 5/16] A.I. Templates - Bot, Car, & +Flying AI - Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums

And used Attack/Search/Patrol TPP A.I. Version 4.7 in my project and it works , but when i replace the default Character pawn in the Blueprint Service that detect the enemy with my Player charcter , it does not work , the AI BOT doesn’t detect my player character , can someone help me with this?

I leave you few screenshots so you can understand what i mean, but you can also download the project and see how it works .

Have you tried debugging your blueprints to make sure everything works as you expect? For example, do you get any actors from the Get All Actors of Class call? Place breakpoints in strategic places and debug away :wink:


I solved the problem. The problem was that my charcter pawn was not Blocking Visibility