[c++ or Blueprint] How _detach_ attached particle system

Dear Friends at Epic,

Hi there!

So I’ve successfully attached my ribbon particle system to the tips of skel mesh swords that are changed dynamically during game time.

But I cant figure out how to detach an existing ribbon particle!

I set the autodestroy to false because its a ribbon particle and it doesnt have a very well defined lifetime


how do I manually detach the particle system?

I could not find anything in




Let me know please!



PS: here’s my BP setup

If you drag off of the ReturnValue that is the ParticleSystemComponent that is created using the SpawnEmitterAttached. From there you should call Destroy Component when you want it to be destroyed. Alternatively you could use Detach From Parent if you wanted to keep it alive but leave it wherever it was at that point.

Thanks Marc!

With your help I’ve now made video and posted tutorial on how to spawn and attach and remove ribbon particles, only using C++!

Link: Spawn Attach and Remove Ribbon Particles With C++ Only

I’ve included for others the ribbon particle I use in video, its on drop box now :slight_smile:

