Media Texture on Android with triggers

Hi guys…

Got the media Texture to run when a trigger is entered, but the “OnActorEndOverlap” > Pause doesn’t work on Android…

It works well on the PC, but it seems the Media Texture cant be paused on Android…it just keeps playing, which of course slows everything down when you are not in the vicinity of the video…

This is Samsung VR kit…so Samsung Note 4 (ETC2)


Ok further to my discovery…

if I stop the Samsung VR plugin and run it on the Android without the headset (so full screen)

…it works…so there must be a bug between the Samsung VR plugin and the media streamer…!?


How did you create the Media Player Asset?

Man, It would be awesome if you would re-create some step-by-step instructions for UE version 4.10.
I have been wrestling with this for over a week. Stumped on how to get the media player into a blueprint.
