Blueprint debugger : finish function/macro

Hello, I’m looking to see if there is a way with the blueprint debugger to finish the current function or macro. That is, in other words, can we resume execution until the output node (or the implied one if there is none) of the current function is reached ?

If you ever used gdb, this useful functionality is what the finish command does. With gdb I use this command to skip the many remaining iterations of a loop once I understand enough of it in the current frame and wish to proceed at the previous frame. Or to quickly get over when I mistakenly went too far in the stack frame. Moreover it allows me to break a function only when it is called from a certain point in the code, since I break before the function call.

Every UI to a debugger I’ve used so far have this functionality as principal button, but I fail to see it with the blueprint debugger.

Thank for any help.