Pokemon team system


I’d like to create a pokemon team system. I’ve created a Pokemon Blueprint class, with some variables like the name or the level. Every pokemon are a child class from this pokemon class.
My problem append when i’d to save my team with the save game system. I don’t know why but i can save basics variables like int or strings but i can’t save a class or something like that.

Thinks for your help and sorry for my bad english.
If you have any questions ask me

Anyone can help me ?


I see this is super old, but I happened to come across it and figured I’d answer while I’m milling over some code.

We had a similar issue in our game for saving items a character would have in their inventory. You can’t save blueprints directly, but luckily there’s some great stuff you CAN do. I didn’t have a hand in the save/load directly, but I know the jist of how it works, and hopefully this can point you in the right direction.

What you want to do is pretty much save anything relevant in your pokemon save BP. Since you can’t save the blueprint, you would save the non-constant variables and on Begin Play (after they’re loaded again) you would fill those out with the data from the save BP.

For example, the pokemon’s current health would be saved. The pokemon’s name (like a nickname) would be saved. The CLASS of the pokemon (think Purple nodes, not blue!) would be saved.

Anything that is always the same, like the pokemon’s original name or perhaps a portrait - those would never need to be saved. You can just pull those from the class defaults. (There’s a new node in 4.9 called Get Class Defaults, and it’s excellent.)

Hope that helps anyone coming across a similar issue.

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