Can I still use UDK 3 to develop games next ten years?


After checking the requirement of using ue4, I think my pc cannot run ue4. UDK 3 is running fine.

I don’t want to upgrade my pc at the moment, just for ue4. Also, I like the old licensing terms more. :slight_smile:

Can I still use UDK3 to develop commercial games next ten years, if I don’t need the new features of ue4?

(I believe a good game is related to the good design. Particle effects may not be the main factor.

Or, are we forced to upgrade to UE4? No choice for poor indies? Even poor indies must pay subscription and need very high end pc to create a game? )

Thanks in advance

I guess you can used it as long as you want, Epic recommends that you upgrade but I guess you can still use UDK, also you can just pay ONCE for UE4 and use it as long as you want, $19 bucks is really **** cheap if you ask me.

I run UE4 on a laptop, runs ok, I turn Realtime off and is good enough for development.

This is answered elsewhere. I don’t know what the time constraints are for ten years, but Epic has said that a UDK licensee can choose to use either licensing term, the new UE4 one or the old UDK one. They have said that they will stop supporting UDK, but that just means it won’t continue to be developed, you can still use it.

Yes, you can. In next decade. UDK 3 may not competitive on some kinds of game type. It depends on your market positioning.

UDK is still available for commercial license, so you are welcome to continue using it. Epic can’t promise that it will continue to offer commercial UDK licenses for another decade though.

Hi Canon, in case I make a good game with UDK 3 after ten years and it can still run on pc and mac, what should I do?

Worry about that in 10 years.

Hi varomix, would you mind tell me what is your laptop configuration such as graphics card series and win version?

(Mine is: win 7 64-bit 4G ram with nidvia GT 540M card, i5-2410m 2.4hz

It is said UE4 requires at least GTX 470 card…You may meet some bottleneck at some point of time.)

If UDK 3 is not allowed to be used, I may need to consider other ways for my game ideas with current pc configuration now.

Any more comments?

You are able to enter into a commercial UDK license now if you want to, but I can’t promise that you will be able to get one in ten years. However, if you got one now, it will cover future games that you make. I.e., you don’t have to get a separate UDK license per game. You will just need to comply with the royalty requirement and other license provisions.

Hi Canon Pence,
If I pay $99 the startup fee now for udk3, I can continue to make any games that comply the original royalty license in future? Which department should I contact to pay the startup fee? Could you please provide a link for me to contact ?

Thanks in advance

Using this one? Or others?

Thank you.


I can’t imagine a reasonable situation in which you have a completed game on UDK and a license from Epic being the gating factor in releasing.

I would focus on building your game using whatever tech you know best (and will run best in your release window) and not worry about this one.

Why would you have the same PC configuration in 10 years time as you do now? If it can’t run UE4 now it wont be able to run anything considered modern in 10 years.

Well if that happens he can upgrade his card. The GTX 470 is a 2010 card… you will have very little luck doing game development in 2025 with that card. I recommend at least a 6 series at this point if you want to use UE4. If you really wanted to use a 470 they are only around £30 online.