Passing parameters to a timer

Hi, is there a way to pass three parameters to a timer? Because I want to pass the camera location, rotation and forward vector and I want the timer to be on the server for security purposes.

If I set a function with parameters in the timer delegate function, I get an error.

whats the error?

Error 1 error C2664: ‘void FTimerManager::SetTimer(FTimerHandle &,float,bool,float)’ : cannot convert argument 2 from ‘float’ to ‘const FTimerDelegate &’

The problem is where I have to insert the parameters to pass?

it looks like you are adding parameters to the timer, and i was saying you could add parameters to a completely unrelated function that is called by the function that the timer calls.

so timer calls functionA every few seconds, and functionA calls functionB with parameters.

No, because functionA needs the parameters, because it’s on server side.

control rotation and pawn rotation should already be replicated, so why not just replicate the camera location? then you don’t need to pass anything in with the timer.

Because the camera position is not updated on each frame.