Missing outputs on function result nodes


New to BP’s but can’t figure out why some functions when dropped into a BP do not display the output parameters? See screenshot. Without this, I can’t wire up the output integer array to the Set variable of same type. Oh, apologies but screenshot is before compile but for sure I did do that!

Try right clicking the node and click Refresh Nodes.
If that does not work, you can try compiling the function again. Sometimes having a function or custom event in your event graph prevents compiling the blueprint due to changes made in the event or function inputs and outputs that the event graph nodes have not yet caught up to. If the node will not refresh you can try deleting it temporarily while recompiling.

Hope this helps

Thanks but nothing is working and I am bewildered as to the root cause. I suspect it might be something with the return variable. I will try to scale the function back. Thanks anyways…

Found another post…looks like this is an unresolved bug

This bug still exists in 4.11 and 4.13.

Hi ,

When this occurs, do you see a difference when you create a new copy of the node or do they act the same?

Hello guys. I have a function “Move_Item”, and i duplicated it for making “Trade_Item” and that badboy not shows me OUT variables right. So i just create empty function “Trade” and set all out variables type, and that work like it should be. Then i go back to my “Trade_item” broken function and delete all nodes in it, and not its shows all OUT. So i think there are something with duplicate? Then i go to my “Move_Item” and Ctrl+C Ctrl+V every node to my “Trade_Item” broke_empty_repired function and now its working.