Save Game - what User Index is for?


I’m working on a save game system based on BP and one thing makes me wonder - is User Index in “Save Game to Slot” node an array index of some sort? I mean, is it possible to store data of different levels/players in one file, but using different User Index values? I was searching for more info on the matter, but I can’t find any specifics - what User Index is really for?

This documentation page says:

UserIndex For some platforms, master user index to identify the user doing the saving.

So it’s probably like how on Xbox 360 each user has a separate account and separate save files. Sometimes only the “primary” user could save (and all actions in the game applied to them).

I have no idea how you’d determine which user index to use (it seems you require a KeyEvent, but neither InputAction events nor raw input events provide them). Maybe you need to get it from an UI-specific system that I haven’t learned about yet.

I mean, is it possible to store data of different levels/players in one file, but using different User Index values?

I’m not certain, but I’d assume each user index saves to a different location on disk. (Imagine one user saved to a memory card and another to the cloud.)

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So far I’ve used it as easy way to create save games.

In my prototype I check via an “Does savegame exist” for each index how many exist and display some basic data which I also keep in the savegame object. For example username, time played or whatever.

When a user picks one file I use that index from then on to load all content from different savegame objects which always have the same name but a different user index.

just for info since i was looking for this.
the docs says that the user index is ignored on certain platform. so it’s best to use a different saveslot name for each savegame you want. i appended a postfix and works like a charm.