Can I attach a particle to a character bone without inheriting facing?

I’m relatively new to Unreal and moonlighting as a particle artist, so please excuse my inexperience.

I have a particle system that is Hearts flying around. It’s meant to be attached to a character’s head (to indicate that they are charmed).


Since characters in our game have varying heights, I’m attaching this effect directly to the Head bone on each character. The problem is that the particle then inherits the bone’s orientation, causing the hearts to shoot out from a character’s face (haha).


I basically wish I would not inherit any facing at all from the bone, and keep my x,y,z movement aligned with the world. I’ve touched a few knobs such as use local space (or not), but haven’t had any luck.

Do I need to add an effects bone can somehow maintain alignment with the world or is there an easier way? I also realize that I could be re-orienting the particle system every frame through a blueprint (and have done so with an effect or two), but find this way relatively cumbersome and want to believe there is a simpler way.

Thanks for the help in advance!

In that case I would add the particle as a component so as not be influenced by the mesh at all and just follows the entire actors position.

If you want to track the position of the head specifically, maybe you could set it’s rotation type to world/absolute rotation.

This helps the issue, but doesn’t solve it overall. I can still get skewed hearts when a character does something that involves a lot of motion of the head.

I guess I would sum it up with saying that I only want to inherit a position, not a rotation. Is that an option for sockets or should I look into something else?

You can add a socket to your bone on each skeleton and name it the same, then orient the socket to the direction you wish the Effects to emit based on how you author your particles.

In this case, if you authored your FX with Z up, and gave velocity in Z and your Z on the joint is facing the fwd axis if your characters head the particles will shoot out of his head along Z.

There is also a check box in the Initial Velocity module that allows you to emit into world space, you can try that in Z.