Easy Way to Replicate?

I was just wondering if there is any such way I could easily replicate everything in the level so I don’t have to go one by one variables and objects.

The reason you should not replicate everything that, it reduce network load, by go 1 by one you can know what you replicate and can control that.

If you want to replicate some same variable for all actor, easy way it create a base actor, re-parent any actor in level to that base, then you can add a replicate variable to base actor.

I also wonder what makes the network load bigger, like witch objects/variables?

most of object or actor replicate is more load than simple variable like bool, int,… With variable float is more load than int, coz it take more bytes to send. Some simple thing like with Vector if you don’t need precise or just want 1 element to replicate like X or Y, it’s wise to set an addition float or int (cheaper if you don’t need precise) variable and replicate that rather than whole Vector.

But in blueprint you don’t have much option to optimize than with the code, like i can choose to use 8 bit integer instead of 32 bit interger if i have small number, ect…