Crash on launch

When launching my project gets to 83% and then crashes. This happened once before and I could never figure it out so I just threw away my project and started over. But this time I have substantial work that I’ve done and it’s for my senior project due in 2 weeks so I can’t throw it all away to restart. Help!

Thats mean some of your project’s object have broken code. Try to delete all files inside Binaries/Win64. Or, if you use C++ project, open your code, remove code added before crash appear and regenerate VS projects files (RMB on project)

Thanks, Detech. Deleting the binaries/win64 files fixed the problem.

Is this a trolling?

What? Are you kidding? Why would you think that?

Why are people responding to this now? This was 2 years ago when I was first learning the engine…obviously I wasn’t trolling and obviously I have fixed my problem at this point…

Sorry , it is my bad.

I can confirm this for other beginners like me coming to this post. In my C++ project I had some faulty code that crashed the editor. Removing the newly added code, deleting the Binaries/Win64 and then generating the VS project files solved the issue. Only regenerating the VS project files without deleting files in Binaries/Win64 didn’t work.
Another thing that did work was that I removed bad code and re-built the project from within Visual Studio.

Thanks Detech

Can you please tell me how you fixed the problem?