Physics friction combine not respected

When creating a pawn that is supposed to be controlled by physics the friction combine is not respected, as in the capsule stops moving even if friction is set to 0.0 and the friction combine mode is set to min. Linear damping is set to 0.0.

Velocity is added like this, nothing else is being done:

FVector addVelocity = 5000.0f * GetPendingMovementInputVector() * DeltaTime;
addVelocity -= 981.0f * FVector::UpVector * DeltaTime;
CapsuleComponent->SetPhysicsLinearVelocity(addVelocity, true);

Using the same material/settings on a cube makes the cube skid around infinitely as expected.

Hi r3jonwah85,

I’m having difficulties reproducing the issue you are experiencing. Can you provide me with the entire code that you are using so that I can see the method you are using that is giving you this result? Also, do you have physics materials on both surfaces (i.e. the pawn and the floor)? Once I have more context and I have reproduced the issue, I’ll be able to attempt looking for a solution and/or enter it into our bug database.

Thank you for your response!
Moved on to 4.8 but the problem is still the same, neither friction nor restitution (which now also have a combine mode) is respected. BUT, it does work if I set the same material on the ground/walls, but this breaks the interaction for all other objects (only the player should have these properties since it is controlled from code, other objects are not generally). So I guess that the “bug” is combine mode is not respected if no physical material is specified for all involved bodies.

EDIT: Just tested adding a standard physical material (nothing changed from standard, nothing overridden) and apply that to the material used by walls/floor and the problem still persists, bouncing on floor and walls and movement speed decreases, so it is not isolated to not specifying physical material.

EDIT2: Tried out setting combine modes in Project Settings but they are also ignored.

EDIT3: Well I’ll be damned, it seems as if the physical material of the shape material is ignored, the damned thing worked of I set the physical material override on the capsule… So I guess that was the problem all along, the physical material was not being used, and then of course nothing would work as expected. So not sure if still is considered a bug, but the physical material of the shape material seems to be ignored.

Ah, that would definitely cause it. The physics material needs to be on the part of the asset that actually has the collision. In your case, the capsule component is what is colliding with the floor instead of the shape, so the capsule component needs the physics material as it will not do anything when applied to the shape. I would not consider this a bug so I will be moving this post to Using UE4 due to the nature of it. I’ll also be converting your last comment into an answer.

I’m glad that your issue was resolved, and have a nice day