Attach actor to socket moves parent in a weird way

When I attach a static mesh actor to my player character (by using “snap to target”) my actor gets kind of thrown backwards, as if the attachment would cause some impact on the character mesh.

I tried several things, please find below a quick setup with a level blueprint where I attach the static mesh to a socket on my player char:

Here is my static mesh that I use:

Thank you for any hint!

Just as an update, I was able to fix the issue (thanks to reading a similar thread - should have looked better before posting this question :slight_smile: ).

I unset the collision (“No Collision”) in the attaching asset, then the player is no longer pushed around and able to move correctly!

Here is the link to the similar thread: link text

Did you try to set “Weld simulated bodies” to TRUE at “attach actor to component” and deactiving the collision at the rifle?

Thank you , I am a bit late with my comment, sorry :slight_smile:

I need to try this out tonight, when I have bit of time!!