[iOs, Media Player] Playing movies twice causes crash

This is happening on version 4.7.6, deployment to iOs devices (iPhone 5, iPad Air 2). Whenever I try to play a movie the second time it always crashes, does not matter if it is the same movie, if I skipped or not etc… The only way to play another movie is to close the app entirely and reopening again.

I have managed to recreate this on multiple devices using our own project. Using the below code during runtime of our game (I believe its usually referred to as the startup movie hack):

FLoadingScreenAttributes LoadingScreen;
LoadingScreen.bAutoCompleteWhenLoadingCompletes = false;
LoadingScreen.bMoviesAreSkippable = true;
LoadingScreen.MinimumLoadingScreenDisplayTime = PlayDuration;

if (!GetMoviePlayer()->PlayMovie())
	UE_LOG(LogScript, Warning, TEXT("Could not play movie: %s"), *Path);

If anyone has any info it would be greatly appreciated. This works fine more or less on android, but crashes iOs. I haven’t managed to test iOs with the new 4.8p3 since I cannot seem to deploy (says a metal library is missing, same as link text)