How to read xbox controller input

Hello everyone, I need to read which button is being pressed in the second xbox controller for my game´s character selection screen, I can not use the function create player, because it will try to split my screen and I don´t need to do that in the character selection screen, if this can´t be done in blueprints can someone point me in the direction to go with the code.

Thanks for your attention.

if you always want split screen off, you can turn it off in your project settings under maps and modes.

if you need to toggle it in game, you will need to use c++.


if you want to expose it to blueprint, you can put it in a blueprint function library like this:


	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Viewport")
		static void DisableSplitScreen(AActor* Context, bool bDisable);


void UABlueprintFunctionLibrary::DisableSplitScreen(AActor* Context, bool bDisable)
	if (Context)

(it would be cool if someone at Epic could add this as an extra checkbox on the SetCinematicMode blueprint node.)

Thanks a lot man.