Lightmap compression in HTML5/Mobile is really ugly despite fixes

We’ve been working on an HTML5 deployment of our project, and the lightmaps seem to compress poorly and they appear ugly in our build. Uncompressed, however, they look fine.
Our compression settings are as follows:

  • Packed light and shadow map texture size: 2048
  • PVRTC Compression Quality - 4
  • Mobile HDR is checked
  • Lightmaps on individual actors are set to a minimum of 32x32, max 1024x1024

Lightmaps look excellent in PC standalone, and with compression off in html5 (Compress Lightmaps unchecked).

We’ve already examined the following posts, with no luck:

I’m experiencing this same problem.

Any progress on this?

html5??? when did unreal support making applications for a browser?