Custom Blueprints not showing up in Event Graph

Should be pretty basic, but I’m following this link: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

In the ThirdPersonTestCharacter.h I have

class AThirdPersonTestCharacter : public ACharacter
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (FriendlyName = "Hello World", CompactNodeTitle = "HelloWorld", Keywords = "String Hello World"), Category = Game)
		static FText HelloWorld();

In the ThirdPersonTestCharacter.cpp I have:

FText AThirdPersonTestCharacter::HelloWorld()
	return FText::FromString("Hello World");

I have saved it, built in VS, then saved built and compiled on the Unreal Editor. When I open up the ThirdPersonCharacter blueprint, it does not show up when I try and add a node. I reckon I’m missing something very simple here, but any help would be appreciated.

Okay, so I relaunched the editor, and now it shows up in the node. Must I do this every time I’m adding custom variables or functions to use for blueprints?