Dirty lightmap on iPad

I have a problem with my project after is transferred on my iPad Mini Retina. On my ue4 editor everything looks fine but when i pack it for IOS I have very dirty textures, especially on walls. My resolution for every wall is 1024px. I know that iPad compress the textures but I want to try to clean them.


In my scene I have: Static directional ligt, Static skylight, static ies profiles, stationary and static spot lights and indirect spot light(stationary) outside the windows.

You will need to change the texture compression from 0 to 2 or more (up to 4) in the Render settings for the project. We are looking in to adding a way to specify the compression for different texture types in a future release.


I can’t find it… Did you mean in the project settings, rendering section? Because there is no texture compression…

still don’t know where to change parameters for texture compression :frowning: please help!

Hey ,

I believe the texture settings he is mentioning are dealing with the console commands and variables. We have some documentation on the ‘Engine Scalability’ and there is a section that deals directly with the overall texture quality of your project.

Texture Quality

Have a look at this documentation page for more information as well.

Let me know if you still need help.


Sry for my late answer but I’m glad to inform you that I did it! :slight_smile: If anybody is interested in the same thing it is in project settings>cooker>PVRTC compression. Just set it up to higher number and it will look better. But it increases the time for packing a lot!
Thanks everyone!