4.8.0 p4: 4 networking bugs/problems with multiplayer games

After attempting a multiplayer project in blueprints this past week i have found that following 4 problems make it super frustrating:

  1. PIE single process bug as discussed here
  2. PIE multi process engine crash when starting listen server (which is somewhat understandable, but engine shouldn’t ever crash). Also when you close listen server window engine crashes.
  3. GameState and PlayerState getting reset after every ServerTravel ( inability to add actors to list to keep)
  4. There’s no event after ServerTravel (OnPostSeamlessTravel?) exposed to blueprints

I am wondering if all these problems are planned to be addressed. Also an ETA would be amazing :slight_smile:


I don’t know about these bugs in particular, but 4.8 was rumored to be released next week as of Thursday Twitch stream.

Hi ,

Thanks for feedback! A lot of networking features are still not exposed to Blueprints, and that will change slowly over time. I know it’s on networking team’s to-do list, but there’s no specific time frame for any particular conversions.

  • You’re correct, engine should never crash. Can you create a new post in Bug Reports section so we can dig into it exclusively? Crash Reporter window information would be really useful, as well as log from your project after it crashes. logs can be found in your project’s Saved\Logs folder. Of course, please also included as detailed reproduction steps as possible so we can try it here.

  • Only a few Actors are set to persist across Server Travel, and currently, most Blueprint defined variables are reset during Server Travel. It’s being looked into, but again, there’s no estimated time-frame for that. I believe Game Instance is only reliably safe place to store data across level travel if you’re Blueprint-only, though you’d probably only want to store that data on Server. There some more useful information here:

    Travelling in Multiplayer in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

  • Event OnPostLogin node may be what you need. It’s available in GameMode. It’s called after a player has logged in and has been given a Player Controller. Since Player Controller’s are reassigned after travel, this should work for you.