Could i use random streams to choose between "male" and "female"?

I would like to make a “breeding” system , i want two actors to reproduce.
what i have in mind is to make it so when the baby “IsBorn” (Boolean variable), it has a %40 chance to be male, and a %60 chance to be female. At the moment i think i’m fine on my own to do every thing BUT giving it a chance to be M/F.

Any help is appreciated,

make a random number between 1 and 5, if its greater than 3, set it to male.

I know that, but how do i do that


Thanks, cant seem to get it to work though :confused:

did you hook up the branch to some kind of event? like eventBeginPlay, or one of the Key events like E pressed, or a custom event?

if you hook it up to eventBeginPlay, it will randomly choose a gender when you spawn this actor into the game.

Alright thank you so much!
I got it to work, i completely forgot about the trigger, i just turned it to a custom event and triggered it in the level blueprint. :slight_smile: