Character Physics look different in game

Alright so I’m using unreal engine and I want to use my character’s physics asset to handle hair physics.
To be honest it looks fantastic in the physics window. I could look at it for days. No issues.

Sample Video:

But when I start the game:

It’s not just the physics window that looks nice. If I set the physics bodies to simulate and preview them in the animation windows, everything looks great:

I don’t know what’s causing this. Oh. My collision presets for my main actor is set to overlap all except for Worldstatic and Worlddynamic. Those are block all. If I set the pawn to block then the hair would collide with itself and move strangely higher in the air behind the character, twisting and turning as all I can think of is that it’s colliding with itself.

Is there anyone that can help. I really feel like this is a simple problem :slight_smile:

Can anyone please help?

Hmmm… I still can’t solve this. I don’t think the problem is with constraints or anything since the animations run fine in the editor…