Functions from super class not beying called

Hi all,

In c++ I’ve created new class called HUDWidget witch inherits from UUserWidget. Then I’ve extended further my HUDWidget but this time as blueprint and named id HUDWidgetBp. I’ve successfully added my HUDWidgetBp to viewport and it is properly rendered. However functions HUDWidget::NativeTick or HUDWidget::Tick are not called. I’ve tried to print to log from them or place a breakpoint but program execution never gets there.

Any ideas ? Thanks in advance :wink:

Found solution. In case anybody else would run into this issue:

There were two problems. First one is that when overriding functions marked as BlueprintNativeEvent You need to override [FunctionName]_Implementation instead of [FunctionName]. Secondly if You want to call parent implementation from blueprint You need to add Call to Parent Function. To do this right click on event and choose “add call to parent function”.