Top Down Twin Stick Movement Alterations (Boost, Constant forward Movement)


I am aiming to make a simple space flight game viewed from a 2D angle. Using the Twin Stick blueprint template I have got the movement to how I would like it in terms of rotating the craft by making it’s movement speed a fraction of it’s original speed.

Now I need to figure out how to have the ship CONSTANTLY moving forward. The normal movement controls are now functioning as the rotation control.

Secondly, is there a way I can make the projectile blueprint work as a thruster and not a weapon? I would like for the projectile’s aim to thrust the ship with a boost in the opposite direction.

Thanks for the help!


And by constantly moving forward, I mean moving in the direction of the last boost or thrust.

I’ve been trying to get my pawn to move away from the thruster for a bit now and can’t even get my pawn to move at all once the projectile is fired. I NEED for it to push my pawn once fired or cause my pawn to move at X speed once the projectile is spawned, whichever makes the most sense in blueprint.


First up, can you post what you Have done.

I will have a look, but to confirm, you want the following.

  1. Constant forward motion?
    1.1) You want this as, if going backwards to continue to go backwards, and visa versa. Because you are firing the the opposite direction, to where you are going?
  2. Change shooting to a thruster?

Here is the blueprint for the pawn itself. The left touch screen stick moves the ship but I only need it to rotate the ship. I altered this by making the movement speed extremely low so that you can just set there and spin on the z axis.

I want the ship to move forward at a set constant. And by forward I mean the direction it was facing during the last thrust. The thrust will add to the movement speed and slow down over but the ship will always go back to a gradual ‘forward movement’.

The projectile come out at any angle you point the right touch screen stick. I would like for it to only come out of the back of the ship and to provide a movement speed boost. I am going to put in a HUD element through UMG to gauge your thruster.

Some of these got scrambled but I numbered them so it shouldn’t be too hard. These last two are the blueprint for the projectile itself.


Blake Bundy