BUG Landscape Collision Holes for RTS!

I have encountered a major bug with my RTS game in 4.7 and have verified it in 4.8p4.

If you go more than 10 meters above the landscape and trace to it, you will get collision holes which return no hit line traces. It seems to be related to the collision when the landscape goes into a LOD transition. I have tried changing the LOD settings for the landscape but nothing makes a different.

I have included a clean repro project using the TopDownCharacter template made with 4.8p4. If you left click the mouse you will see the collision test and when it fails it will print screen. I also made it so that you can use the mousewheel to scroll up and down the camera distance.

Repro Project includeddrive.google.com/file/d/0BwdBSpb_wm8UME5YeXJQMnlzQkE/view?usp=sharing

Hi ,

I was able to reproduce this and have entered a bug report, UE-16432 to be assessed by the development staff.


It seems like that trace bug happens only with completely flat landscape. Could you sculpt it a bit and check if traces work fine after that?

Hi adding some sculpt does make the problem go away, but when I flatten it back it does come back. Each landscape patch needs sculpt to work.

Yes, each landscape actor will need some elevation, so bounding box will have non zero volume. It’s an issue in physics library, we will notify PhysX devs about this.