Implement AActor::GetNetDormancy?


In the following method

bool AActor::GetNetDormancy(const FVector& ViewPos, const FVector& ViewDir, class APlayerController* Viewer, UActorChannel* InChannel, float Time, bool bLowBandwidth)

there is a comment saying “For now, per peer dormancy is not supported” and then it just returns false. Can I implement this method myself and use it or are there more things that aren’t in place yet?

Thanks in advance!

Well follow the code, i just checked and seems the rest of the code is in place but not sure if it works, so try it by overriding it in your actor.

I also checked the code, that’s how I found out about this method actually. Just wondered if someone knew if this was safe to use. I can’t using it even if it turns out to work for my particular test case since what if there are cases that e.g. will crash the game or tests that my test case didn’t cover?

I can work without it but it would be a handy feature to have sometimes. Especially in some cases to prevent clients from having more information than they should.

Thanks anyway!