[Linux]UE4 Crashes when importing starter content

At startup it wont import all starter content assets to project so I tried to re import them all as content pack. After it imported all I checked there wasn’t any new assets in project just P_Explosion (or something) and after few seconds it crashed.

And now I start open UE4 again and it just crashed.

[Pastebin terminal][1] import crash.
[UE4 Reopen crash][2]

for crash files what is generated by UE4 crashtool.

BTW is these kinda crashes common or should I just recompile whole engine again?

Deleted UE4 Folder and downloaded and recompiled everything. Now when I make new project and add starter content there is still only P_Explosion. But when I import them within project it imports them fine. At last at first time.