OverlapMulti with FCollisionShape::MakeBox is not working as expected

So I am trying to get some Pawns by overlapping a Box, so I am using OverlapMulti and FCollisionShape::MakeBox, and it is not finding the pawns.

The offending code:

bool bAnyOverlaps = GetWorld()->OverlapMulti(Overlaps, Center, FQuat::Identity, ECollisionChannel::ECC_Pawn,
FCollisionShape::MakeBox(BoxExtent), BoxCollisionQuery);

I used DebugDrawTraceTag to check if I was just getting the wrong location / extents for the box, but it looks perfectly correct!

Now the real stickler, is that it works fine if I use FCollisionShape::MakeSphere with whatever radius. It finds all the all the pawns as I would expect. There seems to be something specific to the Box, but I am at a loss for what.

As I said, the location and size are all correct, and the channels are correct as it works with sphere.

Any help would be much appreciated.

I just figured it out: Box extents have to be positive. That makes sense!