4.8p4 - Behavior Trees - documentation and tooltips are condtradictory

On the documentation page for Behavior Trees (located here: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/AI/BehaviorTrees/NodeReference/Composites/index.html) it says this about selectors and sequences:

“Selector Nodes execute their children from left to right, and will stop executing its children when one of their children Succeeds. If a Selector’s child succeeds, the Selector succeeds. If all the Selector’s children fail, the Selector fails.”

“Sequence Nodes execute their children from left to right, and will stop executing its children when one of their children Fails. If a child fails, then the Sequence fails. If all the Sequence’s children succeed, then the Sequence succeeds.”

However, in the tooltips when you mouse over those nodes in the editor, they are described this way:


…this seems a bit confusing.


This has already been reported and addressed: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/231867/wrong-tooltips-in-behavior-tree.html



sweet, thanks!