Assertion EditReregisterContexts

I get a very unusual Error with my orbit camera component.
The orbit camera is attached to an orbit pivot that will be rotated to move the camera. The distance from the pivot can be set in properties.


  1. the Distance is set(relative location) and the camera updates position accordingly. The position is still shown as 0,0,0 however.

  2. The rotation is changed via properties and the camera follows.

  3. The rotation is changed again and the program crashes.

Error message:

Assertion failed: Assertion failed: !EditReregisterContexts.Find(this) [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ActorComponent.cpp] [Line: 451] 

I hope someone can help me fix this error. there is no great voodoo from my side just basic attaching and setting location so i’m not really sure how i broke it.


I used PostEditChangeProperty without calling it’s Super::PostEditChangeProperty.

THANK YOU! Saved my day :slight_smile: