Unable to compile UE 4.9 master [Paped2D issue]

Visual Studio 2013 + Update 5, Development Editor, Win64.

Log: http://light-.ru/ue4/crashlog2.txt

Hi Krakean,

Thank you for reporting this crash for one of our latest builds. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that a master build will not crash as it has yet to undergo any type of testing, including for stability. If you experience this in a more stable version of the editor, such as 4.7 or the releases branch, please let us know and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

Have a nice day,

This problem is only with 4.9 master branch. And it’s present since ~20 may. Would be nice if Mr.Noland who responsible for Paper2D will be notified about this issue and fix it.

As this is only occurring in the master branch, it is likely due to constant changes that are being made that have yet to have their effects tested. Development on master is not recommended for this reason.

I wouldn’t report this issue here if it continuance for 1-3 days, but it last 2 weeks already…

I downloaded the latest 4.9 Master build but was able to compile the engine without any issues. Could you be more specific as to what issue you are experiencing and what causes it to occur?

Hi Krakean,

We haven’t heard from you in a while. At the current moment, I’m unable to reproduce the crash that you are reporting, therefore I’ll require more information to proceed. If you have any repro steps to provide, please feel free to comment. In the meantime, I’ll be setting this issue to resolved for tracking purposes but it’ll reopen if you respond.

Have a nice day,