Why has Update.exe crashed?

The launcher installed a 1G update this morning, and now when I try to launch, it loads for a bit then crashes.
Copying the call stack just results in:

“We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please send this crash report to help improve our software.”

Ive tried verifying install but that didn’t work.

Hi ,

Would you mind posting the logs created by this and your dxdiag? You can find the steps here: How do I get help with UE4 installation and setup? - Getting Started & Setup - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thank you!

Ok. Here is the log and dxdiag.
The comment wouldn’t allow .log files so I had to save as a text.

link text

link text

While waiting for a response I occasionally load up the launcher to see if it updated and maybe fixes the problem.
So now CrashReportClient.exe crashes, and Im getting a different log file.

Has there been any new info on your end?

Attached below.
link text

Can you go to this thread:

and see if the fixes there help? Please let us know if this does not resolve the issue and we will be happy to further assist.


Tried it, but still get a CrashReportClient.exe crash.

In step 3 of the other question:
“Run the launcher, and login, allow the downloads to complete.”
The launcher never downloaded anything. It just verified and the launch button appeared…

This is the new log file.
link text

Also I just noticed, and felt I should mention, that other question seems to be about Windows 7. I have Windows VISTA.
(Ive already ordered an upgrade to 7, but In hindsight I don’t think that other solution would have help me?)

I do appreciate the help tho, and I apologies for the late response.

Hi , so you are able to open up Launcher, and see the yellow “Launch” button? And when you press the Launch button, what happens? Does the Editor crash, or does the Launcher crash? i.e. does the Launcher window close or stay open when trying to Launch. If it’s the editor you might want to try the “verify installation” link under the launch button if you haven’t yet.

The launcher has never closed for me before, even when the editor was working.
As stated above the CrashReportClient.exe is what currently crashes, Update.exe was crashing before that.
When I click launch the loading bar appears for a bit, then disappears.
The launcher remains open, and I get a crash report window stating that CrashReportClient.exe has crashed.

Although I tried verify install already when I first posted, I tried again.
After some loading It told me it backup some things.
I still received the crash afterwards.

Sounds like not a Launcher issue then, the crash reporter and editor logs would be great if that’s ok? Could you up the following folders:-
C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.0\Engine\Programs\CrashReportClient\Saved\Logs

I have not gotten a new editor log since 3.31.14
And I was not having problems then.

But here is the crash reporter log.link text

That attached log file indicates that CrashReportClient.exe exited cleanly. Can you try to cause CrashReportClient.exe to crash again and attach a fresh log? Also, have you checked your game’s log? It can be found in your Project’s folder under the /Saved/Logs directory (e.g C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Saved\Logs)

CrashReportClient.exe crashes every time I try to launch, and the editor never loads.
Ive attached a fresh log.

link text

oops, forgot the project log. Here it is:
link text

Ok. It successfully launched the editor.
For some reason it decided to auto-launch my project.
I did NOT set it to do that, and the Crash Reporter was claiming CrashReportClient.exe was crashing, so I was confused as to what the cause was.
After checking the project log, I removed the example_map.umap and it launched right up.
Sorry for the confusion.