Gameplay Debugger will not select another AIControlled pawn

I have read and also tested on other projects that by pressing the ’ key while having the mouse hover over another pawn that the gameplay debugger will show statistics for that pawn. I have a pawn with a custom controller on it that inherits from AIController. I also have another pawn that the player controls that also has a custom AIController attached to it.

Whenever I hover over the enemy pawn and hit the ’ key, the gameplay debugger always shows only for my player controlled pawn that has a custom AIController on it.

Note: I have a top down view and my setup is a Player Controller that controls a “ProxyPawn”. This player controller makes calls to the actual pawn’s AIController. This work around is currently necessary to have networked pathfinding for a player controlled pawn.


Gameplay Debugger selection selects the AI closest to camera focus, not to where mouse points, sorry. Addressing this is somewhere on our ToDo list, but not very high (so many more important things needs doing first!). A way around is, that I’m using on a regular basis, is structuring your game/AI so that it can run in Simulation mode in the editor. In simulation mode Gameplay Debugger will draw data for “selected” pawn, meaning the pawn picked from the level or from scene outline list.



Unfortunately pressing ’ on my German keyboard does not work, maybe because we have to use SHIFT+’ in order to get that character. Now when playing the game and having an AI-controlled pawn/character in focus, then press SHIFT+', nothing happens. I have bound the “EnableGDT” in BaseInput.ini file to Period, but even after restarting the Editor nothing happens when I press the . key. Any ideas?

Yes, you can find a solution / workaround in the last postings of this thread: Training Stream - Advanced AI - May 12th, 2015 - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

I have exactly the same problem, is there any solution?

Thanks alot, that worked

Is there still no way to select other pawns when in AI debug mode?

Ok the correct way to do this is play in editor, then alt tab out and select the character you are interested in using the World Outliner.

This is my +1 vote for adding a key in the AI debugger that would cycle through visible AI pawns. Like the brackets for next / prev.