First Person look up not working

Instead of starting with a First Person Shooter template I decided to build a first person controller in my project. I did this by copying and pasting blueprints and preference Inputs from the FP template to my project.

Everything works great except the ability to look up and down with my LMB on my mouse. I have checked the inputs for Look up and they seemed to be mapped properly. I have checked the blueprints and they all compile successfully.

Can anyone help me with this. Why can I not make my player look up or down ? If you need more information please ask. I could really do with some help on this one please.

I found the answer in this link.

Make sure Use Pawn Control Rotation is checked in the camera component of the MyCharacter Blueprint.

If the first person look not working, there might be some alterations in the build of the first person controller . Sometimes the work and method is correct but due certain one line logics the work doesn’t act successful. The even perform this kind , not intentionally but it might happen in due course. Just like a person waste so much money to get a certification done and if the exam is not cleared the money goes waste.

worked like a charm

Thank you so much. I don’t know how i missed that. You saved me lots of time.

If you are working on a VR project, it could be due to the Editor Preferences Settings that is enabled : “Viewport Gets HDMControl”. You can only move with the Headset in this case.