Occulus left side renders wrong - dark - unlit


our scene lights normally, but when using the Occulus the left side renders black and most of the materials are black.

We are using an Occuls DK 2.

Here are some screenshots:

Any hints where this may come from? Any help is highly appreciated!

Cheers, Peter + Fabian, xoio

From all the content Epic released, such as the Shooter, Landscape Mountains, Particle Effects. They all do it, its a common problem which Epic knows about. So if your getting the problem with your game it must be something to do with the engine code.

It would be wise to add the Engine version and what your computer specs are so a Epic staff member can help you.

Same problem here. Problem with lighting on left eye - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums
This guy said he found a solution, that solution not worked for me.

Thank you Sean!

So, my pc specs:

Windows7 64bit
GPU: Nvidia Geforce Titan
1 HD SDD 250 GB
1 HD 500 GB

UE4 V. 4.7

Epic, wait for your signal :slight_smile:

Thanks Sean!

The specs in our case are pretty much the same - except for the graphics …