Editinline on UFunctions

Is there a way to have in parameters of functions be editinline? If I have an array of names as a parameter to my function exposed to blueprint, I can’t edit that list on the function itself, I have to define it outside of the function and pipe it in. The same goes for UStructs, I want to create a UStruct because multiple functions take the same parameters and I can change those parameters in one place if it is defined in a stuct. I know that I can expose properties in the UStruct and can drag out a Make Struct which is useful sometimes, but other times it would be nice to just edit the parameters on the function.

Here’s what I’m trying:

USTRUCT(meta = (BlueprintType))
struct FSimpleStuct {


	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category="TestStruct")
	int32 shouldBeVisible;

UCLASS(meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class UTestComponent : public UActorComponent

	UFUNCTION(BluePrintCallable, Category="Test")
	void FakeFunction(FSimpleStuct structParam);

	UFUNCTION(BluePrintCallable, Category = "Test")
	void FakeFunctionAlt(TArray<FName> names);

So when I call FakeFunction I would like it to have the variable shouldBeVisible, editable on the function in blueprint. I know that Transforms, Rotators and Vectors all do this, but I have spent several days looking though answers, forums, and documentation without finding an example of how to set this up. Any help or direction would be appreciated.

Not sure if this is what you are after, but some special nodes can be created as classes based on UK2Node. Check out K2Node_MakeArray for example. It lets you create array directly within node. I never used that, but it looks like a bit more advanced way of creating nodes, than blueprintcallable methods.

Thanks for the suggestion! I actually looked into using the UK2Node stuff for writing a custom switch statement, but I don’t think its quite what I want here. I could write a custom node for every function that I want to call but that seems like a lot of work (many many functions). Since I know that FVector2, FTransform, etc, are doing what I want, I was wondering what I would need to do, to make my own structs work that way in exposed UFunctions.