Updating Custom Sun Texture Using SkyboxImage

I’m trying to use the SkyboxImage node in the material editor to make my own custom sun image that updates via moving the main directional light in the scene via BluePrint. I basically ripped off that part from the Epic skydome BP.

So I took their set up and interrupted it and added my own image using the SkyboxImage node in the material editor. I have the sun showing up in the world. The only part that isn’t working is updating the images position via the directional light (they way it works in the blueprint set up.)

In the SkyboxImage there is an ImageVector (V3) slot. If I make a vector 3 param. I can manually set the location of the image. I have tried using the SunVector set up from the Epic skybox material but the image isn’t respecting the values from the resulting Dot product.

I’m sure there is a way to drive this image with a similar set up to the SphereMask. Could anyone help figure out what the node set up is for this? Thanks in advance!

As usually late answer.

I use 4.11.
My maximum approximation to SphereMask is using LightDirrection vector in ImageVector of SkyboxImage function. But it’s need to multiply Z(B) coord by -1.

It’s my suggestion, isn’t fundamental math. But it looks good.