Collision between skeletal mesh and static mesh

I have a playable fishing lure that swims around using thrust, identical to the plane tutorial. the lure has animations, a rig, a mesh, materials, a physics asset, and skeleton. with the dozens of similar questions i have read online, i have not found any definitive way to get my character to collide and drop velocity to 0 like in the plane tutorial.

the best way to simulate my problem, is to throw a skeletal mesh component and a box with a bone inside as the target skeletal mesh, on the plane and you will find that the player no longer has hit events being called upon colliding.

nothing has worked, i have replicated the tutorial plane inch for inch, setting for setting, but with a skeletal mesh instead of a static mesh. 0 positive results. i have replaced the plane in the tutorial with a skeletal mesh, 0 positive results.