Ortographic view - drag select selects unwanted actors

I have a streaming level setup with my characters inside the persistent levels. Once i go into orthographic view and drag select content from other sublevels I always select them as well + any other character actors inside ANY other level.

Has anyon else experience this bug and know how to fix it?

Hey iprE,

Thank you for report regarding orthographic view causing trouble when dragging and selecting unwanted actors. I have set up a similar project and I am not experiencing any unnatural experience with the select and drag features. I am currently in 4.8 Preview 4. Have you been able to reproduce this issue in 4.8 Preview 4?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

Sorry for the late reply. I updated to the newest version and converted my project to 4.8 and the bug is still happening. There is also a problem with grouped actors which are also selected even when drag-selecting empty space which should only select the sky sphere.

Okay now I´ve tried to steup a new level but still within my project. Using the Default level layout with skybox and the singple platform. The grouped actors selection seems to happen when a character is grouped as well. Basically every actor with the parent class “character” will be selected.

Update: I tried creating a new project using the FirstPersonExample. The bug is still there; when box-selecting an empty space both the sky sphere ( intended) and the FPSCharacter(bug) will be selected.

Hey iprE,

Could you please show me exactly what’s happening, perhaps through a video, or provide me a link to upload your project so I can see exactly what you are?

I appreciate your assistance, thanks! :slight_smile:

Hey iprE,

I have not heard from you in quite a while and for this reason, I need to close this thread as resolved for tracking purposes. However, if you’re still experiencing trouble with this specific issue, please do not hesitate to reply back. For all other questions, please post a new question on AnswerHub.

Have a wonderful day!


I´m really sorry for not replying so long I was busy last week. I made some screenshot to show what exactly is happening.

screen00: test scene , I placed some actors inside with which the bug seem to happen

screen01: in orthographic view I drag select an empty space

screen02: unwanted selection of few actors ( always the same )

screen03: perspective view of the bug

Hey iprE,

I have compared the Third Person template in both 4.7.6 as well as 4.8.0. In 4.7.6, when there was an object in view of the character, it selected more than one object but I cannot replicate this in 4.8.0.

Could you please update your Unreal Engine 4 to 4.8.0 and verify that this is no longer occurring for you?

Thank you!