Accessed None When Using Open Level?

It means “MainCharacter” variable is not set (it is “None” as error states) and all node using it fails. First you need to prepare your HUD to fact that character might not exist at specific point, 2nd there possibility that variable resets on level change and you need to set it again, i don’t know your set up so no sure how you should do that.


I’m sure this is something I’m missing but when I complete a level, I then enter a trigger to load the next one however i get this accessed none error once loaded in the output log. I know exactly where it’s coming from and it’s because I’m using a UMG widget to bind my health percentage progress bar to a float value in my player character. Is there anyway to fix this issue? I’ve attached an image of the bind function and also how I’m calling the change level. thanks!

Hey ,

Thanks for your reply! Yeah I understand it would need to be set or I’d need to check if the player exists in the world with the widget first but I’m really not sure how to go about setting that up. I hope someone can point me in the right direction at least :slight_smile: