Player Controlled Physics / Rigid Bodies

Hello All,

I’m attempting to create a visual map using Blueprints. The idea is simple. The map is represented as a sphere and I have abstract building meshes on the surface of the sphere. What I’d like to be able to do, is have the user be able to “roll” the sphere to move around the map. This would be deployed most likely on an iPad (if that really matters). So far, I’ve managed to cobble together some blueprint nodes so the sphere rotates backwards on every frame. When the user touches or mouse Overs the sphere it rotates the opposite way. What I’m trying to accomplish is to calculate the force the user applied in a vertical motion and use that amount to rotate the sphere; or at least give the impression of that. If it helps, think of the old school Marble Madness arcade cabinet controller.

Can anyone point me in the right direction of what nodes could calculate force? I’ve looked at the Physics Bodies help section but it doesn’t seem to be what I’m looking for. Searching on Rigid Bodies doesn’t do much either. Is there an example file I might have missed. Thanks in advance for your help.

I should also say, I’ve added a RadialForce Component to my Blueprint, but can’t figure out how to get the current force applied or how to allow the user to cause it to spin.