Replicating Issues for bIsCrouched

Hello trying to setup crouched i am having some issues with the replication of the ACharacter::bIsCrouched.
After some digging i came across the declaration for it in the Character.h.

I am not sure that the UPROPERTY meta tags are case sensitive.
But am having issues so am thinking this may be a typo.
is the declaration of the member in ACharacter::

/** Set by character movement to specify that this Character is currently crouched. */
    	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, replicatedUsing=OnRep_IsCrouched, Category=Character)
    	uint32 bIsCrouched:1;    

I noticed that its missing a capital “R” at the start.
If they are indeed case sensitive this may explain way the member is not replicated for me.
If not i guess i just made a useless bug report.

Thank you, for your time.

Hey -

The specifiers are not case sensitive, it is mainly done for consistency. If you explain how you are trying to use the variable I can investigate why it is not working properly. Is it just an issue that the crouch isn’t replicated or is the person using crouch also not seeing it?


Hey -

I’ve not heard back from you in a few days. I will be marking this post as resolved for tracking however if you’re still having issues with replicating your crouch feature please feel free to reopen this post with a comment and we will continue investigating.
