floor/material help

Hi. im a having a problem here. how can i connection my floor to have the same floor? i mean its not gonna be out of position as what you see in the image attached. Im using the starter content material.

Hi SyafiqAdnan,

There is a couple of ways to go about this.

  1. You would want to set up the UVs so that these pieces could line up. This would ultimately need to be done in a modeling application.

  2. Some work can be done in the material of the material to set up a World Aligned Texture. This would allow any textures you setup to be aligned by world space and not by the mesh it self.

Here is an example:

My original Mesh:

My mesh using World Aligned Texture Nodes:

Here is the material setup I used:

In order to use this you won’t be able to plug the texture sample directly into the slot. You’ll need to right click and convert it to a texture object that can be plugged in.

I hope this helps.
