Terrain Painting - Sections won't compile

So, I am a total beginner of UE4, but already made some good progress.

After watchign several tutorials on YT I am currently painting my sculpted terrain, but on several section the shader just won’t compile the materials.

I already tried several solutions posted here, like zooming out and paint the whole terrain with every texture and wait for the shaders to compile, but nothing worked so far.

Okay, if people have the same problem:

Delete textures from your material in your material editor window.
Have max 5 Albedo and 5 Normal Textures, if you don’t want a lot of trouble later.

could you please explain what albedo is? what where to delete the texture from material editor window.

When I started, I used the same method you did. I would suggest using material instances instead. What I started with was using the Landscape Mountains demo landscape mats and editing from there. It’s a bit more difficult at first than the tutorial describes, but it’s worth it in the long run.

I’m new too! :slight_smile: I am following a function input for materials as well off of youtube and it seems to be working rather well. Here’s the link (hope it shows) - it’s by Ratsgame:

It seems like this might be the way to go, even if you’re importing from world machine since you can tweak variables and how things look after import. I also found that sometimes you have to be very careful about how you import or make your map. There are preferred sizes by the engine, sometimes it’s just about lighting, and a host of other variables it seems.

albedo = the texture itself I think. The suggestion is aimed at limiting your material to 5 textures max, but you can include normals or heightmaps, splatters, etc of those 5 textures along with them. I’m not sure if this limitation is the best suggestion for material function too, but I’m thinking with material instances/function you could probably draw upon sets of textures.

Whats the difference between Material Instances vs Materials??? I need multiple textures working on my landscape and it can only have one texture… so what is someone like that supposed to do?