Migrating map with Blueprints

Hello, I’m kind of new with Migrating, but my project is borked so i’m migrating everything to a new Project. I tried to migrate the level thinking that EVERYTHING would migrate but the enemies were not there.

I’m guessing that since it’s a new project with a different name, they are not migrating. Is there anyways to somehow migrate the setup enemies in the level to a new project?

Can you just migrate the entire “Content” folder? That should migrate everything since it is the parent folder of everything.

How can a project be broken? Is it a BP or C++ project? You can instead just delete Intermediate and Saved (maybe Binaries) directories to try cleaning the project.

It’s C++
The issue is that my player doesn’t exist anymore. I have no idea what happened, it froze and since then, when i try to look up the player like:
FVector PlayerLoc = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation(); I get a crash now. If you were to hit play, it’s still the editor camera so no player is there.
My class exists, my blueprint exists, I have a start icon, so I gave up.

the issue was that the enemies wont copy over because I think since it’s a different project with a different, name, the classes “don’t exist” and so they don’t copy over.

The blueprints copy over, but i cannot open them because the path to the class is different. I’m not sure you can change the parent class to a blueprint that won’t even open :frowning:

It’s ok, I just sucked it up and redid all the enemies :slight_smile: …hopefully I’ll never have to do that again,

Hey, I am not sure if that would help, or I am way far from understanding your issue, but I might bring up good information that you missed? so I have been in your situation.
if I am not mistaken, your issue, is you are merging your assets, which is being implemented using c++ and so when you use merge it would show them, but everything is broke, and since these assets depends on your c++ code, such as your player, you should actually copy the c++ code to your project source folder, then in Visual studio you will have to select Add-> Existing item, then in select the cpp && .h file you want to add, then you probably need to redo some stuff in the details panel, like choosing the character (adding component) again. I do not see any reason why would that not work,
here are some sources that would help

I hope I was able to help, at least tried :smiley: