Moving along spline, rotation not working

Hello there, I don’t know if it really is a bug but from what the fonction says the behaviour should be different from the one I have.

I’m trying to make a train simulation and I want my Trains to follow splines. They do right when the spline is a straight up line but when I’m starting to have curvature angles the Train takes are WAY to big and it doesn’t look like it’s rolling but maybe sliding or whatever,

I linked here the corresponding BP and some screens of the result. (and yes distance along spline is updated at every Tick)

it looks like you are setting distance along spline to 0 before moving the train. did you mean to increment the distanceAlongSpline float?

Yes I do it on every TickEvent by the delta time. The train is moving nicely along the spline it’s just not orienting correctly

Hi Brolock,

Could you post a small test project that we can test internally?

If you aren’t comfortable uploading it here you can always send it directly to me by private message over the Forums.

Ok now I’m really confused, I redone a small test project to sent you, and it’s working just fine in it. The thing is, even by downgrading the “following spline” in my own project, things are still not working…:

Here are the corresponding BP:
The working one :

The not working one (on my main project:

In both of them the spline has nothing in particular in it’s event graph.
The Train model in both of the is just attached to a Scene component and has no rotation.

Ok in the end I found what was happenning, I didnt knew that could cause this kind of issues :
When I was just testing things up with the spline I changed the Scale on X to 3 that made everything wrong from then


Just go to your actor and uncheck “use controller rotation”

Hi, I’m trying to make the same thing and I having the same issue.
I tryed and retryed to follow many tutorials but my train doesn’t follow spline’s curve.

Please help me.