How to detect mouse over a BluePrint object?

I have stolen the BP_Commentary_Box drom the BlueprintExamples project as a button for my test UI.

I want the player to be able to click on 1 of 3 of these buttons to make a choice in the game. When I go into my blueprint and add an event for MouseOver and Click, Im not getting a response or seeing any action on the graph view.
Is there a setting I’m missing?

EDIT: I tried performing the steps in the tutorial on the chairs that load up in the default level (square floor with two chairs and a table. I added in the events to the level blueprint and none of them ever fire. There’s some caveat or extra step that the Mouse selection tutorial isn’t covering

I follow this tutorial and my objects are still not firing any of the mouse events

I found another answer to a similar question. It stated that they had to convert a brush in there example to a static mesh.

What i haven’t been able to find out right now is “what types of object can detect mouse events” and "why blueprints allow you to add mouse events to object that don’t appear to support them.

Additionally, you need to create a GameMode blueprint and set its Player Controller class to another blueprint that extends the PlayerController default. Then in the Playcontroller you need to “edit defaults” and then under “Mouse interface” enable the mouse inputs you want to capture.

So i found the issue to my original problem. I had added onClick and onMouseOver events to various objects like static meshes, Triggers, TextRenders.

Select the object and in the Details panel under the Collision settings you can set the “Collision Presets” to “block all”

This absolutely solved the issue i had experienced with mouse click and mouse overs not working, but overlap working fine.

This really puzzles me, is firing up a mouse click even on an object supposed to be this difficult and long-winded?