How do I apply more than one animation at once? (Offset)

is it possible to apply more than one animation at the same time? Like morph targets are offsetting single vertices - just with bones?
I am not talking about different bones and not about just blending. “Apply Additive” goes the same direction, but I am rather looking for offsets.

For example: Base Pose: Bone X is located at 0,0,0.
→ Animation 1: Bone X is located at -10,-10,-10.
Result: Bone X is moved to -10,-10,-10.

→ Animation 2: Bone X is located at 20,20,20.
Result: Bone X moves to 20,20,20.

→ Anim1 + Anim2: Bone X moves to 10,10,10.

And so on, just like morph targets.

sorry for my poor English and have a nice day.